A student dies of COVID-19 at Valley View University; school resorts to online lecturing

by Accra Mail

A student dies of COVID-19 at Valley View University; school resorts to online lecturing

Authorities at Valley View University have switched to partial online lectures for all students from Tuesday 23 February after a student died of COVID-19, an official circular from the school announced.

The university has also announced plans to embark on mass testing after some close friends of the deceased student tested positive for COVID-19.

“One Theology student passed on last Friday as a result of COVID-19 at the Ga East hospital when he collapsed at the hall and was rushed to our hospital and was subsequently transferred to the Ga East hospital.

“Based on that, some testings were carried out with his close friends and some of them have tested positive. Lectures are now going to be fully online from Tuesday onwards i.e 23rd February including level 100 students,” circular stated.

Details of the circular are below:

“Good afternoon colleagues, hope you’re doing well.

Please the Deans and the Pro-VC just had an emergency meeting and the following are the outcome:

  1. One Theology student passed on last Friday as a result of covid19 at the Ga East hospital when he collapsed at the hall and was rushed to our hospital and was subsequently transferred to the Ga East hospital.
  2. Based on that, some testing were carried out with his close friends and some of them have tested positive
  3. Lectures are now going to be full online from Tuesday onwards ie 23rd February including level 100 students
  4. Tomorrow 22nd February there shouldn’t be any lectures, lecturers should upload their teaching materials on the eLearning platform.
  5. Preparations are underway to carry out mass testing on campus.

Kindly pass the above information to lecturers in your departments.



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