How to reverse a wrong MTN MoMo transfer

by Accra Mail
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How to reverse a wrong MTN MoMo transfer

How to reverse a wrong MTN MoMo transfer: MTN Mobile Money is a fast, simple, convenient, secure and affordable way of transferring money, making payments, and doing other transactions using a mobile phone.

Mobile Money Transfer has become one of the easiest ways to transact money via mobile but with so many transactions happening it is possible that there may be wrong transactions that may need to be reversed or might need reversals.

Many have wondered how they can reverse cash and airtime in case they make wrong transactions.

It is important to know how you can reverse a transaction in case it goes wrong.

However, the mobile money service is provided by Telecom companies through partnerships with banks and other financial institutions.

Accounts from the bank are linked up with MTN mobile money in order to access subscriber’s money.

MTN mobile money has agents that help in facilitating this service. These agents are authorized to reach subscribers and users throughout the network’s reach.

This is however governed by rules and regulations.

When users and subscribers send money to the wrong person by accident, or by inputting the wrong recipient number, they are advised to use MTN mobile money reversal services. Follow the following steps to get your wrong MoMo transfer reversed.

1. Visit the nearest MTN mobile money agent to reverse MTN mobile money.

2. Report the matter of the wrong transaction to the wrong person within 30 days of the incident.

3. Give the correct figure of the amount wrongly transacted and the number sent to.

4. Give time for the claim to be investigated and established.

5. Approval of the claim will result in your mobile money reversal being processed.

6. Mobile money reversal takes place within 15 days from the day reported

7. Confirm a successful mobile money reversal once done.

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1 comment

Victor October 8, 2022 - 8:34 pm

Thank you for this amazing guide on how to reverse the wrong mtn transfer. Indeed it’s a must needed information that one need frequently. I was also looking to Reverse Airtime To cash which I found in another wonderful article.


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