Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful stole the show as she attended the wedding between NPP’s Afia Akoto and NDC’s Chief Biney. In a video sighted by...
Funny Face’s ex-wife, Nana Adwoa, has refused to respond to the comedian’s public apology to her. The popular comic actor, on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, took...
The plush wedding between National Democratic Congress’ deputy National Organizer Chief Biney and deputy director of MASLOC who is affiliated to the New Patriotic Party is...
The Founder of policy think tank, Imani Africa, Mr Franklin Cudjoe, has indicated that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government has done more on the economy... recently reported that Kennedy Asante Osei, the first son o Osei Kwame Despite, was set to marry. Per our report, the marriage between Kennedy Osei...