Trial of George Floyd’s Police Murderer to start in 2021

by Accra Mail

Trial of George Floyd’s Police Murderer to start in 2021

Trial of George Floyd’s Police Murderer: The police officer who murdered George Floyd, Derek Chauvin will have his court trial start in 2021.
Derek Chauvin was the key cop in the murder of the late Goerge Floyd. He was filmed pressing his knee on the neck of the Black American and showed no mercy even though George was screaming ‘I can’t breath’.

The legal team handling his case headed by Judge Peter Cahill set a date of March 8th for the trial of officer Derek Chauvin.

The location of the trial is said to be “determined at a later date.”

Though court docs show all defendants are scheduled to appear in court on that day, whether or not they’ll be tried together or separately will also be “determined at a later date.”

Also according to documents, the questionnaire for the jury is expected by November 1st, 2020, in order to proceed with juror selection.

Derek Chauvin is on trial for second-degree murder. His counterparts; Thao, Kueng, and Lane will be tried for aiding and abetting second-degree murder.

Protesters are hoping justice prevails in George Floyd’s case.

Police Officer Who Killed George Floyd Tried to Commit Suicide Because the Whole World Wants Him Dead

Police Officer Who Killed George Floyd Tried to Commit Suicide Because the Whole World Wants Him Dead; A news outlet has just given an update on the state of Officer Derek who killed Africa American Man and it seems he tried to commit suicide seeing that the whole world is calling for his death.

It has been reported that he is placed on a mandatory suicide watch with a camera on his neck to monitor his actions while he is being locked up. A suicide watch protocol is always initiated when there are high risks for a criminal waiting for his trial to commit suicide if …CONTINUE READING

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