WASSCE: 2020 NOV/DEC Registration Fess, Deadlines, Centers, WAEC contact numbers

by Accra Mail

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), has kick-started with the registration of private candidates (Nov/Dec) for the 2020 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

Check below all the details of the registration.


Registration Fees for WASSCE Private (NOV/DEC) 2020

  • 6 or more subjects = GHS 412.47
  • 5 subjects = GHS 394.67
  • 4 subjects = GHS 2375.67
  • 3 subjects = GHS 354.30
  • 2 subjects = GHS 341.24
  • 1 subject = GHS 328.18


Fees For Oral/practical/project Work

  • GHS 50.00 per subject for Practical
  • GHS 50.00 per subject for Project Work
  • GHS 36.00 per subject for Oral (English and French)

NOV/DEC Registration Period

Normal Registration 10th February 2020 to 1st May 2020
Penalty Period (Late Registration) 1st May 2020 to 31st May 2020


Short Notice Registration prices and dates will be announced in due course.

How to register NOV/DEC 2020


Visit the WAEC Official Website to create your account


Start the registration by creating an account for yourself using a valid email address and password. This email address and password will be used for subsequent logins.

On successful login or profile creation, you will be directed to the Registration Page.

Fresh Registration

Candidates are required to enter their surnames FIRST Before OTHER NAMES. You are also required to enter your personal information which includes:

  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Region
  4. Email Address
  5. Postal Address
  6. Disability

Note that your name must not be more than 40 characters. This includes spaces between the first name, last name, and initials.

Your postal address must not be more than 60 characters, including spaces.


NOV/DEC (WASSCE Private) Centre and Subject Information

In addition to Personal Information, you will be required to supply Centre and Subject Information

Select the region and centre at which you wish to write the examination. The exact venue will be assigned to you later.

Select the subjects you wish to register for the examination. Please note that the maximum number of subjects allowed is 8.

Photo for Registration

You will be required to upload your scanned recent passport size photograph and signature. Please make sure the signature you give is the one you usually use.

The dimensions of the scanned photograph should be between 160pixels (Width) by 200pixels (Height). The dimensions of the scanned signature should be between 250pixels (Width) by 150pixels (Height).


On completion of the Registration Form, Click on the Preview button to review your form.

Finally, on click of the Submit button, the system will complete the registration process and generate an Invoice showing amount due. You are required to print this invoice and take it to the bank for payment.


After payment must have been made at the bank, Candidates wishing to change their Biodata and or add more subjects are required to use the Penalty module to do so.

To use this module, follow these steps:

  1. Login with email and password, select Penalty Type.
  2. Make the required modification and submit following the same process as outlined in Fresh Registration above.
  3. An invoice for the modification will be generated for candidates to print and take to the bank for payment

Please note that these modifications will not be affected in the system unless payment is made at the bank.

Printing of confirmation page

Candidates are required to visit this site for the printing of Confirmation Page after making payment at the bank.

WAEC Office Contact Numbers in Ghana

These are numbers for each region in Ghana where you can call and ask questions or make enquiries relating to NOV/DEC or WASSCE Private exams in Ghana.


Private Candidates’ Examination Administration Department (PCEAD)
Tel: 0302-686007


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Kumasi
Tel: 03220-34448


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Sekondi
Tel: 03120-46334


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Cape Coast
Tel: 03122-96508


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Ho – 03620-28254


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Koforidua – 03420-20923


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Sunyani – 03520-27016


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Tamale – 03720- 23092


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Bolgatanga – 03820-23232


The Branch Controller, WAEC, Wa – 03920-2227


–: asetena.com

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