I will not shut down Churches because Jesus Christ is bigger than Coronavirus – President of Tanzania, Joseph Magufuli
President of Tanzania says he will not shut down Churches because Jesus Christ is bigger than coronavirus.
John Pombe Joseph Magufuli the president of Tanzania has sworn to close down Churches. He is the only president taking this type of measure to combact this deadly virus.
According to him, the church is the body of Christ, thus coronavirus can never overpower it…he is indeed resolute and adamate to the severity of the virus.
On Sunday he announced that true healing can only be found in churches and mosques thus he will never close down these religious institutions.
“The holy places are where God is. My fellow Tanzanian let us not be afraid of going to praise him” he said. He went on to state that the Coronavirus is demonic and cannot stand the power in the body of Jesus Christ.
“Coronavirus cannot survive in the Body of Christ, it will burn. That is exactly why I did not panic while taking the Holy Communion” he added while the congregation cheered.
It will interest you to know that the president is a Ph.D. holder in chemistry from the University of Dar es Salam. Tanzania has so far recorded only 12 coronavirus cases with no death.