B.A Fashion Design at Radford University College – Admission Requirements 2020/2021

by Accra Mail

B.A Fashion Design at Radford University College – Admission Requirements

Radford University College has designed the B.A Fashion Design Course to give students the edge in excelling in the world of fashion design.

The Fashion Industry is one of the revenue generators of most nations, considering the three essentials for mankind’s existence apart from food and shelter.

Clothing has evolved from covering the body and as a source of protection against the weather, from a status symbol among others to having psychological implications.

The Fashion Design Department undertakes some of the following courses in BA (Hons) Fashion:

  • Womenswear, Menswear of Childrenswear
  • Textile Design
  • Bespoke Tailoring
  • Illustration
  • Styling & Promotion
  • Production Management
  • Buying & Merchandising
  • Marketing
  • Photography

This programme aimes at creating Fashion and Textile Designers; explorers of the fashion trends, creative professionals able to link theoretical concerpts, innovation, organisation and relationship skills to the production world.

Entry Requirements

WASSCE/SSSCE Certificate Holders

Applicants must have:

A pass in the Core English and Core Mathematics, in addition to a pass in one of the following Core Subjects; Integrated Science, Social Studies/Life Skills.
Passes in any three (3) relevant Elective subjects.

The aggregate score for the core and elective subjects must not be more than 24 for SSSCE holders and not more than 36 for WASSCE holders.

The WAEC equivalent grading system that has been adopted is shown below;

A1 A 1
B2 B 2
B3 C 3
C4/C5/C6 D 4
D7 & D8 E 5
F9 F Fail

To apply, download and fill the application form using this link >> RADFORD’S B.A FASHION DESIGN

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