UGCY Ghana 2021 – Call For University Choir Entries
UGCY Ghana 2021: It’s here again. Yes! The University Gospel Choir of the Year (UGCY) competition is here in Ghana for the third time. The last edition had universities all over Ghana ‘battling’ to win the most coveted award as the University Choir of the Year.
Previous winners are the GHAMSU choir of the University of Education, Winneba (2016) and the Miotso Contemporary Choir of Central University (2018). Now, the most anticipated question is who wins UGCY 2021?
UGCY is a UK national competition later established in Ghana, as a platform for University Gospel Choirs to exhibit their talents, build their technical and industry know-how and be awarded a plethora of prizes. It was founded in 2011 by Lorraine Wright MBE who was recently awarded an MBE by the Queen for the impact UGCY has made in the UK and beyond.
The competition will be aired on television in the form of a reality TV show in the course of 4-6 weeks. The show will provide audiences with an opportunity to follow the competition from the audition stages through to the finals where a choir will be adjudged the winner.
Every choir in a Ghanaian university is invited to participate in the competition by registering via