Amazon is shutting down web ranking service
Amazon is shutting down its website ranking portal on May 1, 2022, after ranking global websites for over 20 years.
The global tech giant made this announcement in early December 2021 prompting all its users of the pending service retirement.
The announcement statement released reads;
We will be retiring on May 1, 2022
Twenty-five years ago, we founded Alexa Internet. After two decades of helping you find, reach, and convert your digital audience, we’ve made the difficult decision to retire on May 1, 2022. Thank you for making us your go-to resource for content research, competitive analysis, keyword research, and so much more.
We have been proud to serve you as customers.
Thank you sincerely,
The Team
What does this mean to websites using Alexa ranking data?
Existing subscriptions will remain active until May 1, 2022, UTC. After that, customers will no longer have access to This means after May 1, 2022, the Alexa service will be totally unavailable for usage. Sales teams can no longer use Alexa data to pitch to potential advertisers, and advertisers too can no longer access ranking data of top websites with their geolocation. grew to be the most trusted website ranking platform for both advertisers and digital media operators.
They had a paid subscription which offers users more SEO tools to support them to rank better online.
The actual reason for this new development has not been clearly explained by the operator.